
Meteor Shower to Light Up the Skies Over Dubai this Month

August 2, 2018

Following last month’s ‘blood moon’ lunar eclipse, astronomy geeks in UAE have another celestial event to look forward to this summer. The Perseid Meteor Shower is set to light up the skies over Dubai… and we’ve got all the details you need to witness the spectacular event. Check this out

Meteor shower set to dazzle Dubai stargazers

The Perseid Meteor Shower is perhaps the most popular meteor shower of the year. It will be most visible on the night of August 12-13 when it reaches its peak, giving stargazers the chance to witness about 60-70 meteors an hour.

Where to watch the meteor shower in Dubai

Dubai Astronomy Group is organizing a Perseid Meteor Shower Party in the Al Qudra desert on August 12-13. Tickets cost AED 150 (adults) and AED 70 (children below 13 years). Because of the moonless night, this meteor shower is expected to be particularly stunning. Do not miss this one!

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