
The 5 Biggest ‘Superfood’ Trends Coming in 2018…

November 26, 2017

We all remember the year of kale… and matcha green tea… and so on. These so-called ‘superfoods’ have all shared the spotlight for their health benefits, but what will trend with diet-savvy eaters in 2018? Here are 5 superfoods to look out for

1. Chaga mushrooms

Why it’s great: Packed with natural antioxidants, Chaga mushrooms are known as the ‘king of medicinal mushrooms’. You’ll usually find it in powder form, making it super easy to mix in with smoothies, protein shakes, or even your morning coffee.

Via Instagram | @t.h.e.w.a.v.e

2. Jujube dates

Why it’s great: Also known as the red date, Jujube has been a diet staple in the Far East for millennia. Packed with vitamins and minerals, it contains 18 out of the 24 amino acids that your body needs to make protein. Oh, and it’s also known to reduce stress and anxiety.

Via Instagram | @cyqnathan

3. Tiger nuts

Why it’s great: Still mostly unknown in most parts of the globe, Tiger nuts are high in fibre and can help control your diabetes. As a huge source of vegetable protein, the taste is a cross between almonds and coconut. Plan your next breakfast with a tiger nut chia pudding or pancakes – it doesn’t disappoint.

Via Instagram | @no_faff

4. Cassava flour

Why it’s great: Cassava flour is quickly becoming the perfect substitute for those with dietary sensitivities. As a root vegetable, cassava is gluten, grain and nut-free, as well as vegan, vegetarian and paleo. Try it the next time you make pancakes or pizza – it can take the place of wheat flour in many recipes.

Via Instagram | @terrasoul

5. Maqui berries

Why it’s great: The Maqui is a super fruit that grows wild throughout southern Chile. These intensely purple berries are packed with antioxidants and help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood. They’re also incredibly delicious and go great with Greek yoghurt and smoothies.

Via Instagram | @yacqui_products

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